Bees in the News - #2

Welcome to the second of the irregular Bees in the News newsletters. These appear - at most - monthly and are only available to paid sponsors of The Apiarist. Each contains a combination of links and brief (my definition of brief) comments on topics that might justify a full post at some point in the future, but that are more likely to be of general interest, too provisional or speculative for a full post, or - in some cases - utter nonsense.
And sometimes the content is actually news ...
Inevitably - reflecting my bias and experience - some links will be on the fascinating science of honey bees, though most of this has application (or will have application) in practical beekeeping.
This month, the title of the newsletter should perhaps be 'Hornets in the news'. Never mind, it's still topical and related to bees and beekeeping. Rather than rehashing the contents I'll just tabulate them in the menu below.
Table of contents
A belt and braces approach to hive security
Predicting Asian hornet incursions
Is the Asian hornet established in the UK?
Is the yellow legged hornet established in Georgia?
Global regions in which the Asian hornet could become established
Detrimental effects of honey bees on native plant reproduction
Top tips - preventing syrup from going mouldy
Top tips - inexpensive CO2 testing of Varroa levels