Bees in the news - #4

Welcome to Bees in the News, an irregular newsletter that is even less regular than it should be due to my house move, and is only available to sponsors of The Apiarist. Each contains short(ish) newsworthy articles and comments on a range of bee and beekeeping topics. Some might justify a full post at some point in the future, others you may never hear about again.
Inevitably - reflecting my bias and experience - some links will be to the fascinating science of honey bees, though most of this has application (or, more correctly, may or will have application) in practical beekeeping.
Little to no science this time though ... what happened there?!
This month, reflecting the time of the season, there's a bias towards miticides, pests, pathogens and predators. These include changes to the regulations on purchasing oxalic acid (OA) in the UK, disposal issues, updates on the yellow-legged hornet and the mandatory registration of beekeepers and beekeeping.