
Problems with the website? Please check here first for potential solutions.
Restricted access posts
Some posts are for subscribers or sponsors. Often there's a 'teaser' paragraph or two before the prompt to sign in. If you are a subscriber or sponsor, simply enter your email address, wait to receive the sign-in 'magic link' by email, and then click on the link. You'll only need to do this once every 6 months or so.
This restriction stops the AI-scalpers stealing everything, encourages readers to support The Apiarist, and enables them to leave comments and contribute to the discussion.
No sign-in link or new post announcements?
When subscribers or sponsors (subscribers who pay for premium content and to support The Apiarist) sign in to the site, they are sent an email with a 'magic link' that avoids the use of passwords. The same email address is used to send you announcements of new posts.
Neat … but not a lot of use if you don't receive the email … 😥.
And, if you don't, it is probably due to one of the following reasons:
- you either entered an incorrect email address, or subscribed using a mistyped email address ... or, in a few cases, became a sponsor using an email address with a typo in it. The Stripe payments system I use makes no checks on the validity of the email address provided … you should get a digital receipt.
- the email was sent but reported as spam by your client and either added to your spam folder, or rejected outright (bounced). If the latter occurs more than a couple of times, my bulk emailer adds your email address to a 'suppression' list and stops sending emails.
- you unsubscribed — deliberately or unintentionally — or reported previous emails as spam.
All automated emails — for the sign-in link, or announcing new posts — are from the following addresses:

Try adding one or both to your address book (or email them — you will get an automated reply, but the accounts are unmonitored) and this may increase the chances of you receiving the sign-in links, or post announcements.
A small percentage of subscribers — perhaps ~30 recipients a week — do not receive the new post announcements because their email INBOX is full. Only you can fix that. However, habitual offenders are automagically removed from the subscription list; if you've not read the last 15 posts, and I've received a 'mailbox full' or 'user is over quota' response email every time, you will be unsubscribed. There's no point in sending them if they are never received. You can always switch on the emails again when you next visit the website.
Finally, I've had more problems with users not receiving newsletters sent to academic addresses (usually ending than any other type. The email is typically received by the email server, but then not forwarded to the client (your INBOX). Either ask your University IT gurus to allow the newsletter through, or consider using an alternate address.
If you are signed in to The Apiarist and get the following error message in the comments section at the foot of the page …

… it is because there is no name associated with your email address due to the way they were imported from the last server. The fix is easy. Click on the 'Account' button in the top right corner and then the Edit option, which will then allow you to provide a name and/or change your email address.

You should then be able to comment 😄.
I'm considering doing a global edit of usernames, inserting something like 'Beekeeper' to everyone who has no username. If I do this, you can change your name to something more 'personal' via the account button.
Any posts since 15/3/24 will mainly contain images in WEBP format. If the images do not display in the email newsletter or online, then check if your web browser or email client are up-to-date.
All mainstream web browsers have supported the WEBP format since 2020 or earlier.

If your email client does not support WEBP format images — all I've tested do — then click on the 'View in browser' link below the newsletter title and try viewing the post on the web.
Footnotes are not natively supported by the software I use for the website. Until they are, I've implemented a quick'n'dirty solution that works for most situations.
I'm aware that footnotes appear behind the two buttons in the bottom corners of the screen when viewing a post on a smartphone. I'm currently looking for a workable solution, but it's not straightforward.
It was straightforward 😉.
iPhones with a notch at the bottom of the screen still obscure some footnotes. I've no idea whether this is 3 readers or 3,000. Until I can afford an iPhone for testing, this is unlikely to be fixed.
Don't hold your breath.
Footnotes are generated using JavaScript. If your browser does not support JavaScript, or you've turned it off, then you will not see the footnotes.
The formatting of the footnote 'popup' can sometimes be confused if you resize the browser window after loading the page. If this happens, it's usually fixed by simply reloading the page and then viewing the footnote.
This page will be updated should additional issues appear.